updating oE locate_file


include filesys.e 
namespace filesys 
public function locate_file(sequence filename, sequence search_list = {}, 
        sequence subdir = {}) 

locates a file by looking in a set of directories for it.

  1. filename : a sequence, the name of the file to search for.
  2. search_list : a sequence, the list of directories to look in. By default this is "", meaning that a predefined set of directories is scanned. See comments below.
  3. subdir : a sequence, the sub directory within the search directories to check. This is optional.

A sequence, the located file path if found, else the original file name.


If filename is an absolute path, it is just returned and no searching takes place.

If filename is located, the full path of the file is returned.

If search_list is supplied, it can be either a sequence of directory names, of a string of directory names delimited by ':' in Unix and ';' in Windows.

If the search_list is omitted or "", this will look in the following places:

  • The current directory
  • The directory that the program is run from.
  • The directory in $HOME ($HOMEDRIVE & $HOMEPATH in Windows)
  • The parent directory of the current directory
  • The directories returned by include_paths
  • $EUDIR/bin
  • $EUDIR/docs
  • $EUDIST/
  • $EUDIST/etc
  • $EUDIST/data
  • The directories listed in $USERPATH
  • The directories listed in $PATH

If the subdir is supplied, the function looks in this sub directory for each of the directories in the search list.

Example 1:
 res = locate_file("abc.def", {"/usr/bin", "/u2/someapp", "/etc"}) 
 res = locate_file("abc.def", "/usr/bin:/u2/someapp:/etc") 
 res = locate_file("abc.def")  
       -- Scan default locations. 
 res = locate_file("abc.def", , "app")  
       -- Scan the 'app' sub directory in the default locations. 
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